Friday, December 21, 2012

Dinar Payment Programs: DinarCorp45

Buying, selling, and trading dinar can be complicated when you aren't working with the right broker.  After you spend time searching for a broker, you spend even more time working out a complicated payment schedule.  And at the end when it's all said and done, you have to make sure you have enough money to pay for the processing fees and administrative fees.

If you're looking for a dinar broker that doesn't waste time or charge their customers countless fees, Dinar Corp is the currency broker you've been searching for.  Dinar Corp cares about their customers.  They not only value the satisfaction of their customers, they also believe in performing their business honestly and with the utmost integrity.  Their drive for customer satisfaction has lead them to create payment systems that were designed to help customers pay for their currency efficiently and affordably. 

Dinar Corp has two main payment programs, the DinarCorp45 program and the DinarCorp90+max program.  Each payment program doesn't require customers to pay processing fees or administrative fees.  This blog post will only focus on one Dinar Corp payment plan, the DinarCorp45.  If you choose to use the DinarCorp45 program you have 45 days to submit your entire payment.    The first payment is a non-refundable deposit that only amounts to 5% of your total order, and the second payment is equal to 95% of your total order.  Once your first payment is made, you have 45 days to submit your second and final purchase payment.  If a substantial change in dinar value occurs, the final purchase payment due date will be extended for an additional five days.  Customers can also choose to purchase extra dinar anytime during the pay period.

If you're interested in learning about the DinarCorp90+max plan, check back to read our post about Dinar Corp's other exciting payment program.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Dinar Investing Boom

Investing in stocks was never viewed as 100% stable.  There's no way you can know that the stock that's worth $50 a share today won't be worth $0.50 tomorrow.  People from all backgrounds are worried about the stock market, and after 2008 they were scrambling to look for something new and stable to invest in.   Dinar Corp helps people purchase foreign currency.

Thousands of people in the US and abroad are forgoing traditional stock investments in favor of buying dinar.  It’s easy to see why, with almost 0 interest being earned on in traditional US savings and 401ks it makes sense to look to other currencies for investment opportunities. 

The dollar, euro, and yuan used to be three of the most valuable and stable currencies available, but each of them has experienced some significant devaluation. Since the introduction of the new Iraqi Dinar, it has already once increased in value.  Iraq and other Middle Eastern nations export millions of barrels of oil per day, meanwhile American franchises are very interested in opening stores in the Middle East.  The growing financial opportunities in the region could help stabilize the economy and value to Middle Eastern currencies, and that potential for growth is what makes people eager to invest in the dinar.